
ANALYSIS - European pig production grew by 2.5 per cent last year on top of a one per cent rise in 2014 largely driven by growth in the EU’s leading producers Spain and Germany.In 2015, Spanish pig production rose by 8.8 per cent following a 4.4 per cent rise in 2014.Germany’s production rose by 1.1 per cent in 2014 and 0.7 per cent last year.According to the French market analysts, France AgriMer, the boost to European pig production was also supported by an increase in production from the EU’s fourth largest producer, Poland and the Netherlands, which saw growth of 0.7 per cent and 1.6 per cent.

欧洲猪肉生产去年增长了2.5%,另外在2014年增长1%,主要受到欧盟猪肉生产领导者西班牙和德国生产增多的影响 。西班牙猪肉生产在2015年上升8.8%,而2014年增长4.4% 。德国猪肉生产在2015年上升0.7% , 而2014年增长1.1%,据法国农业部下属农作物办公室市场分析师所说,欧盟猪肉生产的提高也离不开第四大猪肉生产国生产增添的支持,其中包括波兰和荷兰 , 两国猪肉生产分辞增长0.7%和1.6% 。
