EU - The positive development on the European pig slaughter market received a major blow last week. Starting from Germany, the pigs for slaughter prices began to go into reverse in most of the countries.The German slaughter companies are taking advantage of the short week of slaughter after 3 October in order to build up pressure on the live animals’ market.By threatening with discounted prices they increase supply pressure considerably. Many a farmer had considerable quantities registered for slaughter in order to run ahead of the threatening price decrease.
上周蓬勃发展的欧洲生猪屠宰市场受到了一次重要打击 。从德国开始,大部分国家的屠宰生猪报价开始逆转 。德国屠宰企业为了造成活畜市场的压力,利用10月3号后暂时的屠宰周,通过打折价格的威胁,增添了相当大的供应压力 。许多养殖者为了避免猪价下跌的威胁,登记了大量需要屠宰的牲畜 。
- 由于猪价上涨 猪价上涨原因
- 食品企业抱团进口外国肉,又有2个进口肉口岸获批,猪价暴跌……
- 关于近期猪价、进口肉、环保……温氏这么看!
- 生猪售价今年首次大幅下跌 生猪价格大幅下跌
- 年底猪价能现强劲上涨 今年的猪价还会不会往上涨
- 国内猪价将迎来持续时间长、反弹后劲足的上涨行情
- 短期全国猪价将在震荡中走稳
- 11-12月份的生猪价格反弹后劲足 养殖户注意控制风险
- 四季度猪肉或将回暖明显 能否促使猪价上行?
- 目前猪价回涨是跌后补涨?还是绝处逢生?