EU - This current week, the pig slaughter market has exerted considerable pressure on almost all EU member countries.In many countries, this price pressure for the most part is being attributed to the pressure from Germany.On Wednesday, the German quotation went down by another 6 cents as a result of the massive pressure exerted by the processing side.The Dutch and Austrian quotations both went down by a similar scale. The Austrianlive-animals’ market could be cleared almost completely.The slaughter weights are speaking of a good demand/supply balance, as states the Austrian VLV with regard to the market situation. The pig feeders’ readiness for delivery which was raised most recently in Austria was attributed to the feeders’ uncertainty, just as it was in Germany.
本周几乎所有欧盟成员国的生猪屠宰市场都表现出相当大的压力 。在众多国家当中 , 德国施加的压力是价格下压的主要因素 。由于屠宰方的施压,德国报价在周三又下跌了6欧分 。荷兰和奥地利的报价下跌程度几乎一样 。奥地利的活畜市场库存基本清空 。正如奥地利联邦州(VLV)的市场状况,屠宰体重刚好使供需平衡 。由于饲养者的不断定性,与德国市场类如,做好交易准备的奥地利养猪户在不断增添 。
- 预计南方地区猪价或大致走稳
- 春节前或者春节后猪价涨到8-9元还是有可能的
- 预计短期国内生猪价格以小幅上涨行情为主
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- 2016年全年猪价的最低点或已经过去
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- 山东今日生猪价格行情10月 10月19日山东生猪价格走势--大幅上调