US - Hog prices in the just completed quarter registered the biggest spring to summer quarter decline in history (going back to 1980, at least), writes the Steiner Consulting Group.In percentage terms, the decline was 12.9 per cent based on Iowa‐Minnesota hog carcass prices. In 1998, the spring‐ to‐summer hog price decline, based on this price measure, was 15.2 per cent. The hog price for this summer was $63.68 per hundredweight, compared to $45.57 in the summer of 1998.
施泰纳咨询集团(Steiner Consulting Group)写道,第二季度刚刚结束后,生猪价格浮现了历史上春季到夏季最厉害的的下跌(追朔到二十世纪八十年代的最大下跌) 。根据爱荷华州与明尼苏达州的生猪胴体价格,下跌百分比达到21.9% 。根据1998年的价位衡量,春季到夏季的价格下跌为15.2% 。与1998年夏季的价格45.47美元相比 , 今年夏天的生猪价格为每英担68.68美元 。
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