罗马尼西亚养殖者将看到 罗马尼亚 集体抚养
ROMANIA - Following the recent decision of the European Commission’s Standing Committee on Veterinary Medicinal Products to lift the ban on Romania’s live pig exports to other European Union member states, the Romanian Pork Meat Producers’ Association (APCPR) says this could increase the country’s annual exports by as much as 1.6 million head.The decision was announced by Romania's Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Achim Irimescu.“This is a remarkable event for Romania which obtained this decision after it began to work on this project in 2007,” said Radu Roatis, the president of the country’s National Sanitary, Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA), as quoted by local news agency Agerpres.
【罗马尼西亚养殖者将看到 罗马尼亚 集体抚养】
根据最近欧洲委员会(the European Commission)的常务委员会对兽药产品下发的管理规定,解除了对罗马尼西亚向其他欧洲成员国出口活猪的限制 。罗马尼西亚猪肉生产商协会(APCPR)称 , 这次的禁令废除将使罗马尼西亚的年出口量增添到160万头之多 。罗马尼西亚农业与农村发展部长Achim Irimescu宣布了这个决议 。罗马尼西亚卫生、医药与食品安全局(ANSVSA)主席在本地新闻社Agerpres谈道:“罗马尼西亚从2007年开始就为这个项目努力 , 得到这个决心,对罗马尼西亚来说,是一件举国瞩目的大事 。”
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