欧盟猪肉价格 欧盟猪价:德国报价领先

EU - This second week of the new year, the European price structure starts moving. After the Christmas season, the live animals’ market was only scarcely supplied with low quantities at brisk demand. Thus, the quotations went up in many countries for the second time in a row.After the latest 5-cents’ plus and the current corrected price level of 1.52, Germany meanwhile takes the lead in the European price structure of the five EU member countries most significant in pig keeping. All in all, the German quotation went up by 9 cents over the past two weeks, relegating Spain, Denmark, and France to the ranks behind.The French quotation continues to rank second after weeks of standstill and a slight plus, just a par behind Germany as the new leader.

欧洲价格结构开始在新年的第二周发生变幻 。由于继圣诞节之后,活畜市场供应在活跃的需求面前十分紧缺 。因此,许多成员国的报价持续第二次上涨 。德国报价在最新向上修正的五欧分后,当前为1.52欧元 , 与此同时 , 它也是欧盟五大重要养猪成员国的价格结构排行中的领头羊 。总之,德国报价在最近两周上涨9欧分,把西班牙、丹麦和法国报价甩在排行之后 。法国报价在一周的停滞后小幅上涨,依然在价格结构中位列第二,相对来说,他是继德国之后的报价新兴领导者 。
【欧盟猪肉价格 欧盟猪价:德国报价领先】
