有关学习英语的名言 有关学习英语的名言有哪些
知识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙 。
Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.
果能从失败中汲取教训,失败亦是成功 。
Failure is success if we can learn from it.
学习任何语言都是需要花费很多努力,但不要放弃 。
Learning any language takes a lot of effort, but dont give up.
别人对你工作的干扰与你自己无数次地打断自己相比,微不足道 。
Other peoples interference with your work is insignificant compared to the numerous interruptions you have made yourself.
倘能生存,我当然仍要学习 。
If I can survive, of course I still have to learn.
成功的人是跟别人学习经验,失败的人只跟自己学习经验 。
Successful people learn from others, while unsuccessful people learn from themselves.
学习必须如蜜蜂一样,采过许多花,这才能酿出蜜来 。
Learning must be like a bee that has picked many flowers before it can produce honey.
学习一门语言的方法就是要尽量多地练习说 。
The way to learn a language is to practice speaking as much as possible.
学习中经常取得成功可能会导致更大的学习兴趣,并改善学生作为学习的自我概念 。
Frequent success in learning may lead to greater interest in learning and improve studentsself-concept as learning.
人要想学习一点东西,就应该先学会谦逊 。
【有关学习英语的名言 有关学习英语的名言有哪些】If one wants to learn something, one should first learn to be modest.
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