twice用法 twice短语搭配

twice在句中可修饰静态动词、动态动词,也可修饰形容词、名词、数词或其他副词 。twice是一个英语副词,副词在句子中可以表示行为或状态特征,副词可以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句 。twice的意思是“两次,两遍,两倍” 。

twice用法 twice短语搭配


twice短语搭配twice a week.每周两次
think twice.重新考虑
twice over.两倍
once or twice.一两次,偶尔
think twice about.仔细考虑,重加考虑
at twice.在第二次时,分两次
in twice.分两次
twice over.两倍
twice造句I go swimming twice a week.我每星期游泳两次 。
We go there maybe once or twice a month.我们每月大概去那里一到两次 。
I called him twice.我喊了他两遍 。
The newspaper is published twice weekly.这份报纸每周出版两次 。
【twice用法 twice短语搭配】I woke up twice in the night.我夜里醒过两次 。
The output is twice as much as that of ten years ago.产量是10年前的两倍 。
twice双语例句We go there maybe once or twice a month.
我们每月大概去那里一到两次 。
You should visit your dentist at least twice a year.
你应该每年至少去看两次牙科医生 。
New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers.
新驾驶员所出的事故是老驾驶员的两倍 。
You should think twice about employing someone you've never met.
雇用素不相识的人应三思而行 。
A comparable house in the south of the city would cost twice as much.
一栋类似的房子位于城南部就要贵一倍的价钱 。
Click the left mouse button twice to highlight the program.
双击鼠标左键来加亮突出这个程序 。
Cats sleep twice as much as people.
猫睡觉的时间比人长一倍 。
I don't know her well,I've only met her once or twice.
我跟她不很熟;我只见过她一两次 。
This room is twice the length of the kitchen.
这个房间的长度是厨房的两倍 。
He's already been reported twice for arriving late.
他因为迟到已经两次被告发 。
The ball bounced twice before he could reach it.
球弹了两次他才接到 。
I go swimming twice a week.
我每星期游泳两次 。
There was enough of the drug in her stomach to kill her twice over.
她胃中的药物足够毒死她两次的 。
We fly between Rome and Paris twice daily.
我们每天有两次航班穿梭于罗马和巴黎之间 。
He visits Paris once or twice a month.
他一个月去一两次巴黎 。
Think twice before doing anything rash.
不要草率行事,要三思而行 。
It would be an exaggeration to say I knew her well─I only met her twice.
说我非常了解她不免言过其实——我只见过她两次 。
In summer we have to mow the lawn twice a week.
夏天我们每周得修剪草坪两次 。
The machines are inspected twice daily.
机器每日检查两次 。
The newspaper is published twice weekly.
这份报纸每周出版两次 。
