英语好词300 英语好句摘抄大全带翻译

七年级英语好句摘抄带翻译?love me ,  love my dog 爱屋及乌east ,  west ,  home is best 金窝银窝 , 不如自己的狗窝a friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真情time is money 时间就是金钱seeing is believing 眼见为实
英语美文摘抄带翻译!200词左右?【英语好词300 英语好句摘抄大全带翻译】NO 。2
The 2008 Olympics are coming soon 。We are all excited about it because it\"s the first time for China and all Chinese to hold the Olympic games 。
Our great country has made a lot of preparations for the games since 2001 。We students have planted many trees to make the environment more and more beautiful 。
What\"s more , all Chiness people are glad to welcome the friends from all over the world 。We are sure Chinese athletes will try their best to show we Chinese is strong!Now all Chinese people are ready 。
We want to say to Everyone : \"Welcome to China!We are ready!\" Let\"s wish the 2008 Olympics seccessful! 。
